
The journal is pleased to publish the abstracts of the winner and finalists of the 2018 Applied Probability Society’s student paper competition. The 2018 student paper prize committee was chaired by John Hasenbein. The 2018 committee members are (in alphabetical order by last name) Reza Aghajani, Rami Atar, Jose Blanchet, Pelin Canbolat, Jing Dong, Xin Guo, Andreea Minca, Petar Momcilovic, Amber Puha, Ilya Ryzhov, and Galit Yom-Tov.


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  • We develop a generalized empirical likelihood framework—based on distributional uncertainty sets constructed from nonparametric f -divergence balls—for Hadamard differentiable functionals and, in particular, stochastic optimization problems

  • As consequences of this theory, we provide a principled method for choosing the size of distributional uncertainty regions to provide one- and two-sided confidence intervals that achieve exact coverage

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Stochastic Systems

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Adaptive Learning with Unknown Information Flows
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