
It is possible to play Football on Earth because of Gravity and almost stable and suitable atmospheric conditions6,7,8. It is demonstrated at this article real gravitational interaction between objects with mass with Cavendish Experiment4 which is described by means of gravitational field g through a distance action interaction2,3,6. The gravitational energy emission and effect of gravitation as gravitational redshift, deflection of light passing close to Sun4 and Perihelion Precession of Mercury4 with discovered formulas obtained by myself are demonstrated at article4: “The Fundament of Mass and Effects of Gravitation on a Particle and Light”4. They are in agreement with experiment results and with Theory of General Relativity with high accuracy4. In addition, electromagnetic energy emission (photons) with corresponding decrease in mass for electron (Maxwell´s theory) with discovered formula obtained by myself is demonstrated at research article of Variant Mass for an accelerated charged particle5. Relating Football, it is investigated related applied Physics to Football as for example Free fall, Parabolic movement, Newton Laws, Work and Energy, Principle of energy conservation, Impulse and Momentum and Collisions1,2,3. Besides, it is researched effects of air resistance in maximum distance and height reached by ball in parabolic movement in a Free kick for example. However, main objective of this article is to research about effects of variable physics as air resistance, atmospheric pressure and gravity and climatic conditions (heavy rain, wind, snow, hail, high temperature or humidity) that influence in match and in Football ball: the ball does not bend and in Football players (effects of altitude in organism)6. It is obtained and demonstrated at this article formulas of variation of atmospheric pressure and gravity respect to altitude of place or city above sea level. For other hand, it is researched effects of air viscosity (Bernoulli Effect) and turbulence (Magnus Effect) on Football ball when player kicks with high velocity. Besides, it is researched effects of variations of atmospheric pressure and gravity in Football players and Physics of devices to measure atmospheric pressure and blood pressure which is important when they plays a Football match in a high altitude city or place6,7,8. It is also researched effects of climatic conditions in a Football match. Even weather conditions (high altitude, warm climates) and location can be used in favor to make result favorable. For other hand, weather conditions are very important for development of a good Football game. Many times matches are suspended due extreme climatic conditions as heavy rain, wind, snow, hail or severe weather conditions as high temperature or humidity. However, it has been possible to apply technology to build new stadiums that are suitable for these climates and to wear respective clothing that facilitates practice of Football6,7,8. Therefore, it is also researched at this article new technology that can be applied for normal development of a Football game and to get efficient performance of Football players and all best physical conditions on Football field 6. Thus, technologies have been incorporated to know characteristics of players that are very helpful to coach and physical trainer to obtain efficiency of player and of strategies applied in Football field. It is very important to use all advantages, characteristics and resources of team at appropriate time6. In this way, it is maximized important details that can contribute to win Football match. It helps a lot technical body such as Coach, Technical assistant, Physical trainer, Doctor, Managers, Scientists, who know very well all best that team has and physical conditions, strategies and player skills that can be used in a certain Football game. Thus, Teamwork is key to this beautiful sport: The Football6,7,8. Moreover, Medical Technologies have been incorporated in Football6,7,8 and in future, new technologies can also be incorporated to monitor player performance.

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