
Geophysical methods, such as gamma-ray spectrometry, have great potential to enhance knowledge of the pedosphere (pedogenesis, pedogeochemistry and pedogeomorphology), helping to predict tropical soil attributes. We applied proximal gamma-ray spectrometry to evaluate tropical landscape dynamics, pedogenesis and spatial distribution of radionuclides and selected soil attributes. This study was carried out in southeast Brazil, where 79 soil samples (0–20 cm) along transects were collected to perform physical-chemical analysis coupled with collection of surface gamma-ray spectrometric data, allowing the detection of the radionuclides uranium (U238), thorium (Th232), and potassium (K40). Additionally, we analyzed soils in four toposequences, with varying lithology, relief, and hydrology. The radionuclide concentrations in soils showed a direct relationship with the parent material composition, either rocks or sediments. Weathering degree and the geochemical behavior of each radionuclide determines its permanence or removal in soils. Denudation processes along the toposequences also influence the distribution of radionuclides. On one hand, the radionuclide contents of mature, weathered soils are closely associated with advanced pedogenesis, with a higher clay contents and argic horizon formation, whereas in younger, less weathered soils the parent material exerts a greater influence than pedogenesis. Uranium decreased with altitude, and showed greater mobility compared with thorium. Thorium presented a higher correlation with clay content, and the opposite with sand content. Potassium detection increased with soil cation exchange capacity (CEC) and clay content. Gamma-spectrometry detected significant variations in some segments along the toposequences, undetectable by conventional soil survey techniques. This may indicate changes from one soil class to another or the continuity of a particular soil class, demonstrating the potential of this tool in digital soil mapping, pedogeochemical, pedogeomorphological and pedogenesis processes studies.

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