
Abstract: Applied Art has been prevalent for ages and is being used by the commercial artists in the everyday life to earn livelihood. Applied Art helps to give a look and feel to the product, which attracts customer towards it. Without attraction and beauty, even a very useful thing is not given its appropriate value. Whenever a customer purchases a product, first the customer goes through its packaging design and visual appeal. Once the customers are attracted towards a product, after that only they turn towards its utility and price. In the olden days, the works related to applied art were done manually, hence they were very difficult and challenging. After the introduction of Computer Graphic Software’s, designers can turn their visualization into reality in minutes. This has encouraged many youngsters to choose Applied Art as a profession in the field of visual art. This is directly related to their livelihood because there is huge existing demand for designs related to applied art like logo design, brand campaign, product catalogue design etc.

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