
Chinese medicine is a relatively new concept or rather an alternative medicine to the west [1]. Chinese medicine is considered to be an assimilation of philosophical and scientific thoughts and ideas that influence us in our daily lives. Chinese medicine believes in Yin Yang which metaphors the idea to a dualist reality that prevails in our society today. Like Ayurveda, Chinese medicine also represents the different elements of nature like wood, fire, metal, water and earth. Qi another concept in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is regarded as the main force of life filled with energy [2]. It is compared to the hot steam that comes out from cooking rice and consists of the wind, cold, heat and damp. In modern civilization Chinese medicine is slowly becoming the main stream of medicine in many east and Far East nations and is often regarded as an alternative source of treatment [3]. Since 5000 years and beyond Chinese medicine has offered many therapeutic potentials in pregnancy related indications ranging from infertility issues to threatened miscarriages [4, 5]. Chinese herbal medicine, diet and acupressure/acupuncture are some of the widely evolved and accepted Chinese method of practicing medicine. Although Chinese medicine is considered safe and gentle by some health care practitioners, public health workers and therapists, major concerns pertaining to its safety and therapeutic potency remains a big question till date.

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