
These lectures are devoted to the study of various contemporary problems of algebraic geometry, using fundamental tools from complex potential theory, namely plurisubharmonic functions, positive currents and Monge-Ampère operators. Since their inception by Oka and Lelong in the mid 1940s, plurisubharmonic functions have been used extensively in many areas of algebraic and analytic geometry, as they are the function theoretic counterpart of pseudoconvexity, the complexified version of convexity. One such application is the theory of L 2 estimates via the Bochner-Kodaira-Hörmander technique, which provides very strong existence theorems for sections of holomorphic vector bundles with positive curvature. One can mention here the foundational work achieved by Bochner, Kodaira, Nakano, Morrey, Kohn, Andreotti-Vesentini, Grauert, Hörmander, Bombieri, Skoda and Ohsawa-Takegoshi in the course of more than four decades. Another development is the theory of holomorphic Morse inequalities (1985), which relate certain curvature integrals with the asymptotic cohomology of large tensor powers of line or vector bundles, and bring a useful complement to the Riemann-Roch formula.We describe here the main techniques involved in the proof of holomorphic Morse inequalities (Sect. 1) and their link with Monge-Ampère operators and intersection theory. Section 2, especially, gives a fundamental approximation theorem for closed (1, 1)-currents, using a Bergman kernel technique in combination with the Ohsawa-Takegoshi theorem. As an application, we study the geometric properties of positives cones of an algebraic variety (nef and pseudo-effective cone), and derive from there some results about asymptotic cohomology functionals in Sect. 3. The last Sect. 4 provides an application to the study of the Green-Griffiths-Lang conjecture. The latter conjecture asserts that every entire curve drawn on a projective variety of general type should satisfy a global algebraic equation; via a probabilistic curvature estimate, holomorphic Morse inequalities imply that entire curves must at least satisfy a global algebraic differential equation.

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