
Two episodes of Great Lakes waves for which both wind and wave data are simultaneously available are used to examine the applicability of the empirical fetch-limited spectral wave formulas developed by JONSWAP, Mitsuyasu, Liu, and Sverdrup-Munk-Bretschneider. Comparing the results hindcast from the formulas with those recorded shows that, for hindcasting significant wave heights, Liu's formula gives better results for less than fully developed Waves, while formulas by JONSWAP, Mitsuyasu, and Sverdrup-Munk-Bretsehnelder give better results for fully developed waves. In hindcasting average wave periods and peakenergy frequencies, all the formulas result in a deviation of up to 2 s and 0.5 rad s~*, respectively. These results can he used as a reference in evaluating and interpreting wave predictions made by these formulas as applied to the Greak Lakes.

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