
The purpose of this study is to obtain some quantitative measures for the applicability of several color mixing models to a halftone printer. The printer, a Canon Color Laser Copier 500 (CLC-500), is treated as a black box and the measures are the difference between the calculated and measured spectra and Δ<i>E<sub>ab</sub></i>. Well-known color mixing theories of the Neugebauer equations, Yule-Nielsen model (YN), Clapper-Yule multiple internal reflections (CY), Beer-Bouguerlaw (BB), and Kubelka-Munk theories (KM) are applied to CLC-500 to see how well they can fit the experimental data. Results indicate that the spectral 8-color Neugebauer model has marginal success in fitting the experimental data and the relaxed 3-color version does not fit the data weli. Both YN and CY approaches can fit the data within printer variability. The fittings are rather poor for BB and KM. By using the halftone correction factor, good agreements are obtained for the BB and single-constant KM.

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