
Big data proves helpful in describing data sets in the medical field so that modern software can accurately store and analyze the data. Big data plays a vital role in storing data, storing it, and improving patient outcomes in healthcare. Big Data in healthcare mainly focuses on efficient and effective data source techniques, improving patient outcomes, and availing attention services at a low price. This paper describes the characteristics of Big Data that have different Varieties, Velocity, Veracity, Validity, and Volatility. It will discuss the other application, techniques, and technology used to handle a large amount of data, explore security issues, and help generate accurate patient outcomes. The spread of any pandemic worldwide as COVID-19 has created an Immense Amount of data, which is expanding quickly. In this paper, big data can initialize the big problem of COVID-19 and its challenges. This paper comprehends the characteristics that prompted MYCIN's prosperity and sees how precisely the framework was organized and how the system was structured. This paper will focus on the application and tools used to analyze a large amount of data and clinical records, and this survey will examine the COVID-19 issues. Moreover, big data applications are used in healthcare, and detailed study about big challenges and methodologies is used to find different techniques to gather accurate data at a low price.

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