
Apart from speech and music, general sound can also carry relevant information. This is, however, a considerably less researched field up to-date. Most prominent in this area are the tasks of acoustic event detection and classification that can be subsumed under the area of computational auditory scene analysis. Fields of application include media retrieval including affective content analysis or human-machine and human-robot interaction, animal vocalisation recognition, and monitoring of industrial processes. Here, three applications in real-life Intelligent Sound Analysis are given from the work of the author: audio-based animal recognition, acoustic event classification, and prediction of emotion as induced in sound listeners. In particular, weakly supervised learning techniques are presented to cope with the typical label-sparseness in this field.KeywordsEmotion RecognitionUnlabelled DataSound EventOriginal LabelSound CategoryThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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