
This review aims to explore the effects and applications of near-infrared (NIR) light in the beauty and skincare field, with a focus on the advantages of combining long-wave and short-wave NIR technologies. It also presents the development and application of an innovative home beauty device. Firstly, the paper introduces the definition and classification of NIR light, explaining its biological effects and broad applications in medical, industrial, scientific research, and beauty fields. Next, it provides a detailed analysis of the current use of NIR light in skincare, including its physiological effects on the skin and the benefits and performance of existing technologies and devices. Despite its significant advantages in beauty and skincare, NIR light has limitations such as limited penetration depth, single-functionality, and safety concerns. To overcome these limitations, the paper highlights the benefits of combining long-wave and short-wave NIR technologies, such as enhancing skin absorption, improving treatment efficacy, and reducing side effects. The review includes a case study of a home beauty device to illustrate these benefits. Finally, the paper summarizes the key findings of combined NIR technologies and explores the market potential of home beauty devices. It also discusses future research directions and prospects in the skincare field, providing valuable insights for the further development of efficient and safe skincare technologies. The review shows that NIR light has a promising future in the beauty and skincare industry.

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