
Geological interpretation, analysis and evaluation of LANDSAT and airborne MSS data, panchromatic and colour infrred photographs and spectral reflectance data for a number of test sites in different mineralized belts in India have led to certain significant results. Lithological discrimination on digitally processed enhanced MSS data products has helped in further subdivisions of major rock groups. Lineament pattern analyses reveals three prominent sets of fractures in Indian Precambrian Shield with predominant ENE-WSW megalineament probably representing earliest deep crustal fractures and subsequent NNW-SSE and NE-SW fractures, associated with polyphase tectonic movements. Correlation of structures and mineralization indicate structural control for most of the mineralized belts with intersecting locii type concentration of ore deposits in some cases. In a few cases control of mineralization is lithology and stratigraphy. Spectral groundtruth and laboratory studies indicate that major rock types have characteristic spectral patterns (signatures) which would be useful for lithological mapping by automatic classification techniques. The work also has led to the improvement of enhanced MSS data products for geological studies.

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