
The traditional tennis serving teaching correction method has been deeply rooted, and in the current teaching, the teaching method based on experience has been used for a long time, relying on the subjective consciousness of the coach to guide and supervise the technical movements of the athletes. It is said that to master the essentials of technical movements proficiently, it is necessary to carry out long-term and repetitive exercises according to the coach’s guidance. This situation seriously restricts the improvement of the level of teaching and training. To solve the above problems, the combined application of smart sensors and microsystem technology is used to Sensing identify and intelligently correct the player serve technology. This article in the presentation part initially sums up the movement catch innovation and tennis serve innovation and development; then, at that point, in the strategy part presents the objective following calculation and normal denoising handling calculation; and then, at that point, in the trial part presents the person choice, exploratory program, plan astute sensor handling framework, and trial examination. This article mainly introduces the application, research, and analysis of smart sensors in tennis server technology correction equipment, to reduce the burden on players and coaches. This article proposes target following calculations, normal denoising handling calculations, and so on, which are utilized to lead research investigating the use of savvy sensors in tennis server innovation adjustment hardware. The trial aftereffects of this paper show that the normal acknowledgment exactness of the savvy sensor is 91.14%, and the acknowledgment precision is high, which can be better applied to the tennis serve innovation revision hardware.

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