
Since its inception, induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) technology has been hailed as a powerful tool for comprehending disease etiology and advancing drug screening across various domains. While earlier iPSC-based disease modeling and drug assessment primarily operated at the cellular level, recent years have witnessed a significant shift towards organoid-based investigations. Organoids derived from iPSCs offer distinct advantages, particularly in enabling the observation of disease progression and drug metabolism in an in vivo-like environment, surpassing the capabilities of iPSC-derived cells. Furthermore, iPSC-based cell therapy has emerged as a focal point of clinical interest. In this review, we provide an extensive overview of non-integrative reprogramming methods that have evolved since the inception of iPSC technology. We also deliver a comprehensive examination of iPSC-derived organoids, spanning the realms of the nervous system, cardiovascular system, and oncology, as well as systematically elucidate recent advancements in iPSC-related cell therapies.

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