
A bridge structure may sustain damage either when subjected to severe loading like a strong earthquake or when its material deteriorates. Monitoring the structural health of a particular structural system involves a damage identification process that comprises detecting, locating, identifying type of, and estimating severity of, damage. The aim of this paper attempts to utilize frequency response function (FRF) as index in SHM for locating and estimating severity of damage to bridge structures. First, a numerical study, based on SAP2000 software, is employed to create simulated damage cases including single and multi-site(s) damage scenarios. Following, a novel FRF curvature method is developed and applied to locate damage. The simulation and experiment results expose that the proposed FRF index can locate damage correctly in single as well as multi-site(s) damage acceptably. Introduction Damage assessment of bridge structural health monitoring [1], can be divided into two parts, one for localized non-destructive inspection (Nondestructive testing), mainly refers to the case without destroying the subjects of structures, structural components of a single probe wherein the defect, the disadvantage is greater when the possibility of damage scope, manpower and time it takes to increase the relative and can not do on the structure integrity of the judge, to understand the impact on the overall structure damage; the other method as a whole of structural damage assessments, the use of pre-erected on the structure of the sensor to measure the dynamic response of a signal structure was affected by external disturbance (such as displacement, velocity, acceleration, etc.), then the signal using the obtained structure was subjected to damage recognition, comparison between different points in time and change parameters or signal response situations, this method can not only learn the location and extent of damage to the structure of, and further that the impact on the overall structure of the damage. Frequency Response Function The impulse response function [2] is the system of identifying the relationship of the resulting impulse response a function is a description of dynamic behavior of structural systems perturbed at the time domain and frequency response function with respect to the frequency domain is in the description of the frequency response function and impulse response function is converted to the frequency domain through a mathematical formula As a result, it is also a function of the frequency response with the dynamic characteristics of the structure of the system. Definition Suppose the unit pulse function make this system responds, then it is known as the unit impulse function; and if when an external force acting in response to any of the produce is called, relationship between external force and structural response is as follows [3]: International Conference on Applied Science and Engineering Innovation (ASEI 2015) © 2015. The authors Published by Atlantis Press 702

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