
Different organizations utilize Wireless Communication technology such as social media to transfer information for many different purposes and most especially to add value to their business. Some of these communication media are mostly used currently for marketing purposes and getting for companys name out through advertising via social networking sites such as Face Book and MySpace Whistle others use social media like Twitter to engage with a large audience of followers who willing to read brief messages sent which often include link to more depth article or advertising campaign. The aim of the research project is to develop a methodological wireless communication framework that can be used in construction operations. A combination of case study, structured interview and questionnaire were used to gather data. The questionnaire was administrated randomly to ten small and medium sized construction firms and one main contractor all working on the on-going large construction project. The result of this result showed that this form of communication technology would enhance better communication within the construction organization supply chain by allowing team members and members of the public to the construction process and to the construction operations. This medium form of communication is rich in information and may influence how construction on site is carried out.. KeywordsCommunication Tools, Social media, Construction

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