
Two-dimensional (2-D) pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) nutation spectroscopy is applied to a disordered system with strongly anisotropicg-factors. The analysis and interpretation of a 2-D nutation spectrum is performed by theoretical calculations appropriate for ferric myoglobin cyanide in frozen solution. The observed and calculated 2-D spectra show broad signals which correspond to the principalg-values. The advantage of nutation spectroscopy is demonstrated by measuring theg x=0.93 signal, which cannot be observed in a conventional field-swept spectrum due to largeg strain broadening. It is shown that the 2-D nutation experiment can be considered as a sort of an angle-selected method but a nutation spectrum gives a powder pattern even for magnetic field settings at extreme field values of an EPR spectrum. This is in contrast to angle-selected electron nuclear double resonance, which gives a single-crystal type spectrum. The advantage of sine Fourier transform (FT) over complex FT is demonstrated for data processing in the nutation domain. Problems of experimental and data-processing procedures are also discussed.

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