
As a new optical pressure sensor technique, Pressure Sensitive Paint (PSP) is one of the important techn iques for model surface p ressure m easurement in wind tunnel test s . With the help of PSP , it is possible to do p ressure m easurement on compl icated or special model surface , which is usually difficult to be measured by pressure tap s . Since PSP technique being introduced into China from TsAGI (Russia) , AVIC ARI has investigated two-component PSP technique in high-speed wind tunnel in cooperati on with ICCAS China . T his report present s the principle of PSP technique, test control system development and the test result comparison s between PSP technique with two-component pressure sensitive paint FOP-2 and classic tap measurement on wing surface of an airplane model . T he results showed that the two-component pressure sensitive paint has better performance and can be used for model pressure measurement.

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