
: Introduction: Requirements Engineering process is a crucial phase in software development. In order to achieve a successful design of health information systems (HISs), applying the best methodologies is essential. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to design pediatrics Epilepsy Information System (EPIS) as well as the use of triangulation approach in elicitation and validation of epilepsy information system requirements in its engineering process. Methods: This applied study was carried out in Bandar Abbas pediatric hospital. Triangulation approach based on three different analyses and validation methods in requirements engineering process was applied. To do the triangulation work, as well as designing a usable system, according to the most common User Centered Design (UCD) methods, we use three well-known methodological approaches in UCD: (a) Object-Oriented System Analysis (OOSA); (b) Hierarchical Task Analysis; and, (c) Prototyping. The results of each of these methods were analyzed by selected clinical staff, iterative cycle in models design also continued until lack of need for new changes. Then final results were presented in a general category in the form of triangulation matrix. Results: 55 high-level requirements with minimum information items to store information of hospitalized epileptic patients obtained from multiple methods. The greatest requirements (84%) were identified or validated in the OOSA step, some requirements (13%) have been identified only in the design and evaluation of prototype. Conclusion: Triangulation approach helped us in confirmation of findings, and finally enhance the credibility of the study. Health informatics specialists should try to use of multiple methods in the early phases of systems design that lead to a rich and comprehensive picture of HIS requirements.

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