
Trehalose is a disaccharide and is often foliar applied by farmers aiming at increasing stress resistance or crop production. However, the physiological effect of exogenously applied trehalose on crops remains obscure. Here, we explored the effect of foliar trehalose application on style length of solanaceous crops, Solanum melongena and S. lycopersicum. Trehalose application promotes pistil to stamen ratio by gaining style length. Another disaccharide consisting of two glucose molecules, maltose, showed the same effect on style length of S. lycopersicum, while monosaccharide glucose did not. Trehalose is found to affect style length through uptake via roots or interaction with rhizosphere but not through absorption by shoots in S. lycopersicum. Our study suggests that yield improvement of solanaceous crops by trehalose application under stressed conditions is brought about by suppression of the occurrence of short-styled flowers. This study suggests that trehalose holds potential to act as a plant biostimulant in preventing short-styled flowers in solanaceous crops.

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