
By the method of document research, analysis and synthesis, the article has clarified the whole set of objectives. Accordingly, the article presents the theory and some case studies on Total Quality Management content. Review of activities of life insurance distribution channels in Vietnamese insurance enterprises. Assess the status of quality management in these activities at life insurance enterprises. From the existing points in the operation of the distribution channel, we have studied and analyzed the causes of service quality deterioration, distrust and satisfaction for customers using life insurance products. Finding a way to eliminate limitations is the primary concern of insurance companies. Our analysis results have shown that enterprises applying Total Quality Management are the solution to improve service quality in the operation of insurance product distribution channels. Determine the development goals of the business in each period to build a system of distribution channels and apply an appropriate quality management system. Determined the need and determination to use Total Quality Management in insurance distribution channel activities. Get all employees involved in the application of Total Quality Management. These are some effective measures to support life insurers in implementing Total Quality Management for their business.

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