
The development of technology and changes in job market dynamics have created new challenges in aligning education with industry needs. In this research, the XGBoost model with hyperparameter tuning was applied for industry classification on job applicant data taken from the Kaggle dataset LinkedIn Job Postings in 2023. This dataset consists of 23 attributes with a total of 33,085 job vacancy data points. The experimental results show that both the model without hyperparameter tuning and with GridSearchCV produce the same classification accuracy, which is 0.89 or 89%, with stable precision, recall, and F1-Score values. The best parameters found in this study are colsample_bytree = 1.0, learning_rate = 0.3, max_depth = 6, min_child_weight = 1, n_estimators = 100, and subsample = 1.0. However, cross-validation using k-fold shows a significant increase in accuracy to 0.90, or 90%. This finding confirms that the use of cross-validation can improve the performance estimation of the model more accurately and robustly by utilizing all available data for training and testing. Moreover, the implementation of cross-validation demonstrates the importance of leveraging all data points to enhance model reliability and robustness. Future research can explore alternative hyperparameter tuning methods and apply the model to larger datasets to further validate the generalizability and reliability of the XGBoost model in different application contexts. Thus, this study underscores the significance of rigorous model evaluation techniques in achieving high-performing machine learning models

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