
In modern conditions, the expansion of the range of raw materials that can be used in the process of producing meat products is relevant. This is due both to the fluctuations in the state of the raw materials market (and its prices) on the scale of Ukraine, and the need to provide biologically-complete products of the growing population on a world scale. To perform these tasks one of the actively studied and used methods is the application of target fermentation. This technological approach has several advantages over other common methods of increasing biological value (the introduction of various fillers based on animal and plant proteins in the form of isolates, extrudates and emulsions).The advantages of using fermentation in the technology of meat-based products include - the lower consumption of additional raw materials (namely the enzyme) per unit weight of the finished product (which in most cases leads to lower cost), the complete or predominant absence of the enzyme in the finished product (due to thermal inactivation), simplification of the additional raw materials preparation process, a wide range of basic raw materials, with which it is possible to combine enzyme. Application of targeted fermentation can influence peptide bonds in the proteins of the main raw material, increasing the amount of free amino acids and increasing the biological value of the product. This technique requires further research and has some unresolved (in whole or in part) issues. These include, in particular, the regimes for the introduction and processing of raw enzymes with separate or simultaneous proteolysis of meat and vegetable raw materials, the composition of the mixture of gases in the development of a modified atmosphere for packaging of this type of product, the optimal composition of enzyme compositions, which could manifest synergistic effects when introduced in meat and vegetable systems, methods for improving organoleptic characteristics at minimum costs and minimizing the introduction of synthetic aromatic ingredients, specification of raw materials assortment for meat-based products followed by selection of the best recipes that have the potential maximum biological value. From the considered literature it can be concluded that these questions are actively solved by leading scientists and have the theoretical foundations for further solution, therefore the chosen direction of research (improvement of the technology of meat products of extended storage with the use of targeted fermentation) is perspective both on a scale domestic industry, and in general.

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