
This study aims to increase the quality and value of raw materials with a low higher heating value, HHV (secondary ingredients), but which is abundantly available throughout the year by mixing it with high HHV materials (main ingredients) to obtain quality and standardized charcoal products in accordance with the industrial product standards as approved for commercial use. As for the ingredients, charcoal A is Eucalyptus bark coal (EuBC) with an average HHV of 3779.98 cal/g, charcoal B is rice husk coal (RHC) with an average HHV of 4863.29 cal/g, and charcoal C is charcoal from a biomass power plant (CBPP) with an average HHV of 5991.18 cal/g. The results from the simplex-centroid mixture design method allowed increased quality and value of the biomass charcoal powder (raw material) that has a low heating value but is sufficiently available throughout the year due to the mixing of secondary ingredients with raw materials that have a high heating value (main ingredient). The charcoal briquettes production must be qualified and meet the industrial product standards, and be approved for commercial use.

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