
Hand hygiene (HH) is the single most important and effective measure to reduce the risk of healthcare-related infections. However, low compliance with HH indications among healthcare professionals is often low. The objective of this study was to evaluate the implementation of a multimodal strategy to promote HH among healthcare professionals. We used the "Application guide of the multimodal strategy of the World Health Organization for the improvement of hand hygiene", which consists of: changes to the system, education and training, evaluation and feedback, workplace reminders, organizational safety climate and monitoring of compliance with HH. The strategy was designed as an intervention study to promote HH in the Maternal and Child Insular University Hospital Complex in the period 2012-2020. Overall compliance with the HH indications at the end of the study period was 59.2%. The use of alcoholic-based products increased with respect to previous years (p <0.05), reaching 70 liters/1000 hospital admissions in the final year. Healthcare professionals perceived training and accessibility to an alcohol-based preparation at each point of care as the most effective measures for promoting good HH practice. The implementation of a multimodal intervention significantly improved compliance with handwashing and the use of alcohol-based products among healthcare professionals. Despite having previous training on hand hygiene, HH knowledge among professionals remains incomplete. Prior training followed by time worked are the most important determinants of knowledge and perceptions about hand hygiene.

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