
The article examines and argues for the use of the principle of individualization and personalization in the work of the State Employment Service, which functions as an executive body. The author considers approaches to individualization and personalization as key elements of state policy regarding employment provision and labor market regulation. The author emphasizes that the analysis of the principles governing the activities of the State Employment Service is a fundamental and critically important aspect for the organization and effective functioning of this institution. The article analyzes the meaning and application of the principle of individualization and personalization in the activity of the State Employment Service in Ukraine from an administrative and legal perspective. The importance of establishing clear normative definitions of these principles is emphasized, as they determine the basic standards and norms for the functioning of state bodies. In particular, insufficient regulation can lead to differences in their understanding and application, complicating the planning and organization of activities. The author analyzes the international experience of applying the principle of “case management” and points out the need to introduce individually oriented support methods for each unemployed person in Ukraine. Particular emphasis is placed on innovations, including the reform of the organizational structure of the State Employment Service, which is aimed at increasing efficiency and customer focus. In particular, the introduction of a career counselor as an institution demonstrates the authority’s desire to provide an individual approach and personalized support to each client. An analysis of the career counselor’s functions confirms its focus on developing individual career plans for clients, taking into account their personal needs and capabilities. Manifestations of the application of the principle of individualization in the activities of the State Employment Service are considered, in particular, through drawing up an individual employment plan with a job seeker. The author emphasizes that this plan is a program of cooperation between the unemployed and a career counselor, aimed at organizing and ensuring the provision of social services in the field of employment. Special attention is paid to the expected positive impact of such an individual approach on the effectiveness of the job search and compliance with the needs of employers . It was concluded that in the context of the activity of the State Employment Service, the principle of individual approach and personalization is manifested in the expansion of the range of services for clients, taking into account their unique needs, level of professional training, motivation and readiness for mobility. This approach becomes an important component of the development strategy of the state employment service and contributes to increasing its effectiveness in achieving the goal of creating conditions for active employment of the population.

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