
Navigation safety issues are of common interest to all maritime countries due to their actions in a complex and risky environment. The world’s most serious ship accidents can cause major economic losses, loss of life, and severe environmental pollution in the sea. The data included in trust and security databases are usually collected from different sources. The accuracy of the collected data may vary from source to source due to a greater number of external and internal factors such as different manufacturers, and working and environmental conditions. The quality of the data may vary due to the incompleteness of the details, subjectivity, and experience of the data collector. Databases on the frequency of failures, the estimation of which can be based on recorded failure events, are difficult to access. Therefore, the aim of the research, based on the available statistical indicators of maritime risks and safety, is to indicate the application of mathematical statistics, analysis and assessment of unwanted events. The statistical methods proposed in the paper aim to point out the importance of prediction and the possibility of improving safety. In this sense, the polynomial function was applied. To visualize the results obtained during the research, the Excel program is used.

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