
This study aims to describe: (1) the application of the investigative group cooperative learning model can increase student activeness in understanding fictional texts in class IX H MTs Negeri 1 Tuban and (2) the application of the investigative group cooperative learning model can improve students' ability to understand fictional texts. class IX H MTs Negeri 1Tuban. This research is a Classroom Action Research (PTK) which was conducted at MTs Negeri 1 Tuban with the subjects of class IX H students totaling 30 students. Based on the results of the study, it was proven that there was an increase in the quality of learning, namely an increase in student activity and the ability to understand students' fictional texts. The increase in the activity of the learning process was marked by the increase in the activeness of students in the first cycle with a mean value of 85.62 and the mean value in the second cycle of 92.50 compared to the average value before the cycle 66.37. The increase in the ability to read fictional texts was marked by the increase in student learning completeness, namely the mean value in cycle I was 63.1 and the mean value in cycle II was 73.5. The conclusion of this study is that the investigative group cooperative learning model is effectively applied in learning to read fiction texts.


  • ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk [1] untuk mengetahui kualitas proses dan hasil pembelajaran kooperatif model Group Investigation terhadap kemampuan membaca teks fiksi siswa kelas IX H MTs Negeri 1 Tuban

  • This study aims to [1] determine the quality of the process and results of the Group Investigation model of cooperative learning on the ability to read fiction texts of class IX H MTs Negeri 1 Tuban

  • Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan (meningkatkan Pemahaman Mahasiswa Tentang Konsep Limit Fungsi satu Variabel real Melalui Pembelajaran Kooperatif)

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Berdasarkan data pada tabel 4.I. keaktifan siswa pada aspek ”semangat siswa dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar” terlihat adanya peningkatan skor. Sebelum menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif Group Investigasi (GI) untuk indikator BS (Baik sekali) tidak ada skor persentasinya, untuk indikator B (Baik) nilai skor persentasinya 60 %, untuk indikator C (Cukup) nilai skor persentasinya 32,5 % dan untuk indikator K (Kurang) skor persentasinya 7,5 %. Setelah menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif Group Investigation (GI) pada siklus I dan siklus II masingmasing indikator terjadi peningkatan, yaitu untuk indikator BS (Baik sekali) naik menjadi 5 % pada siklus I dan 15,5 % pada siklus II. Penurunan indikator C dan K pada siklus I dan siklus II menunjukkan bahwa telah terjadi peningkatan keaktifan siswa untuk aspek semangat siswa dalam mengikuti kegiatan belajar mengajar

Sebelum GI
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