
Increased interest in developing sustainable urban areas has become an important feature in recent urban development studies. In fact, the question of neighbourhood sustainability assessment is a major part of this interest. Accordingly, a number of methods and tools for evaluating sustainable development projects in the urban areas have emerged particularly at district level. However, the urban development in Algeria is far from having achieved a clearly defined frame. This work therefore aims to demonstrate the contribution of sustainability assessment to any development project as well as the importance of the district level as a lever for local sustainable development. For this study, the district of the “Beach” formerly known as “Casino” located Jijel city centre, in Algeria, is chosen as a case study. We will focus on the assessment of its current state in relation to the principles and objectives of sustainable development, through a shared diagnosis of the Heritage, environmental Quality, Diversity, Integration, social Link (HQDIL) method and the INDicators Impact (INDI) model of the High Environmental Quality (HQE2R) approach. Along the same lines, a comparison between its initial state and the proposed development project by the land use plan study was made. The results obtained enabled us to draw up a detailed representation of each indicator on a sustainability scale. This led to deduce the degree of sustainability of the “Beach” district, thus to define the weak points, the strong points and to lead to a reflection on the issues and the action plan to be taken into account during a sustainable intervention on the latter. This work provides an aid to decision-making for researchers and urban actors, in order to orient urban development or renewal projects towards sustainability

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