
The utilization of Amberlite (IRP-69 ion-exchange resin, 100–500 wet mesh) as the binding phase in the diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT) technique has shown potential to improve the assessment of plant-available K in soils. The binding phase has recently been optimized by using a mixed Amberlite and ferrihydrite (MAF) gel which results in linear K uptake over extended deployment periods and in solutions with higher K concentrations. As restriction of K uptake by Ca on the Amberlite based resin gel has been previously proposed, potential competing effects of Ca2+, Mg2+ and NH4+ on K uptake by the MAF gel were investigated. These cations had no effect on K elution efficiency which was 85%. However, K uptake by the MAF gel was restricted in the presence of competing cations in solution. Consequently, the diffusion coefficient of K decreased in the presence of cations compared to previous studies but was stable at 1.12×10−5cm2s−1 at 25°C regardless of cation concentrations. Uptake of K by the DGT device was affected by the presence of excessive Ca in more than 30% of twenty typical Australian agricultural soils. However, this problem could be circumvented by using a shorter deployment time than the normal 24h. Moderate correlation of concentrations of K extracted by DGT with Colwell K (extracted by NaHCO3, R2=0.69) and NH4OAc K (R2=0.61) indicates that DGT measures a different pool of K in soils than that measured by the standard extractants used. In addition, the MAF gel has the ability to measure Ca and Mg simultaneously.

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