
AbstractThe main goal of informatization top-level design is to reduce appearance of new isolated information islands. To find a kind of methods which restrains isolated information islands in informatization areas is our common goal recent years. TDMI as a sort of methods is a new type of methods for informatization top-level design. It aims at solving the isolated information islands problems from multi-level, such as informatization architecture framework, system architecture framework, data architecture framework. In this paper we discuss informatization top-level design for government areas using TDMI. The method firstly requires to describe the status and goals in government areas. Then we build the information architecture framework, systems architecture framework and data architecture framework. After that ,it starts into developing phrase. Lastly, they are integrated testing, testing run, run and maintenance phrase. The core of TDMI is to plan and restrain information systems design under the center for data.Keywordsgovernment informatizationTDMIinformatization systems integrated

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