
StormPav Green Pavement System is a non-commercialized permeable road with a function of stormwater detention. This paper demonstrates the application of the R&D product in part of a 14,000 m2 government building complex as a new feature of sustainable drainage system. To assess its stormwater impacts to the project site, two software are utilized to analyze the stormwater flow processes when merely 10% of the project area is incorporated with StormPav. Firstly, Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) is used to simulate the project-wide stormwater flow, in which reductions between 22% - 6% in terms of peak flow rates are predicted compared to conventional drains when subjected to 5 – 180 minutes of 10-year Average Recurrent Interval (ARI) design rainfall. Secondly, SolidWorks Flow Simulation (SWFS) simulates the detailed flow processes within the StormPav system, in which it is found 0.5 – 1.3 m/s of velocities are predicted around the inlets and outlet that conform to the local stormwater management standard. Besides, SWFS allows visualization of velocity and streamline profiles across the StormPav system that conventional SWMM could not provide.

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