
Literary research is devoted to analyzing of literature sources on the practical application of stem cells for the treatment of trophic ulcers of venous origin. The most essential and promising source of stem cells is umbilical cord blood. The treatment of trophic ulcers of venous etiology is still debatable. Currently, none of the known methods to treat varicose veins or eliminate pathological reflux are universal. However, the issue of parallel treatment of trophic ulcers caused by varicose veins is acute. In addition, the removal of altered magistral veins does not always lead to the simultaneous disappearance of ulcers on the skin. Today the primary treatment method for this pathology is surgery, which was introduced in the 19th century. Since then, it has not changed dramatically: high ligation and stripping of large and small veins, followed by their removal. However, surgery sometimes leads to recurrence, as it is not etiological. Stem cells are already used quite successfully as the main method of treatment for chronic ischemia of the lower extremities. Intramuscular injection of bone marrow mononuclear cells into the ischemic limb is considered to help to reduce both pain and the risk of high amputations by 19%. The use of in vitro fibroblasts, a multilayer layer of keratinocytes, a skin equivalent, is a very successful and promising analog of autodermoplasty. The use of stem cells allows healing in 99.1% of patients after 16.2 days, with a recurrence of 1.25%. Mesenchymal stem cells were administered intradermally to treat radiation ulcers, stimulated the healing process, reduced pain, inflammation, which could be confirmed by a decrease in the level of C-reactive protein in the blood. After the introduction of mesenchymal stem cells perifocal and into the bottom of the wound, after 2 weeks, in more than 60% of cases, there was active growth of granulations and maturation of granulation tissue. The area of the wound defect was also significantly reduced, and the efficiency of skin autograft survival was significantly increased.Our study of sources of scientific literature on the problem of stem cell research in general and the introduction into therapeutic practice of therapy of trophic ulcers with cord blood stem cells indicates a considerable interest of scientists in this topic. This is evidenced by a large number of publications on the problem of studying the properties of stem cells. However, it is necessary to note the striking qualitative and quantitative difference between our analyzed domestic and foreign sources of scientific literature in favor of describing foreign research. We consider it appropriate to point out the insufficient number of related qualitative scientific studies on the treatment of trophic ulcers by domestic scientists.

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