
Appling the speech recognition technology into the virtual reality system can not only expand the application of speech recognition in scene roaming, but also make up the shortage of the interaction of virtual reality software, and improve the efficiency of interaction between users and the virtual environment. This paper aims to combine the speech recognition technology with the VR technology, and control the users' viewpoint in the VR system by speech. Using Microsoft Speech SDK5.1, the speech recognition program is developed and the interface is designed to connect the speech recognition module with the VR software. Based on the EON SDK, the EON nodes of speech recognition and scene roaming are programmed. The above EON nodes and the built models are imported into EON. Running the speech recognition program and then the scene roaming controlled by speech is realized eventually. The experiment on walking mazement shows that the speech commands can exactly control the users' motion to avoid obstacles and successfully go through the mazement.

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