
The article aims to study the peculiarities of the application of social technologies of conflict management in the social and labor sphere. The work proves the need for the development and application of social technologies as an effective tool for the prevention and effective resolution of social conflicts, which is based on taking into account the stages of its development - the pre-conflict (latent phase), actualized conflict (conflict stage/escalation); post-conflict (completion stage) and socio-psychological factors of the conflict - the conflict of the environment, the conflict of the individual and the psychological states of the individual. The approach proposed in the article consists of applying separate social technologies for each match stage. At the pre-conflict stage, work should be aimed at forecasting, preventing, and preventing competition, which involves using diagnostic social technologies. At the location of the actualized conflict - the termination of the parties' confrontation with the help of managerial social technologies; in the post-conflict period - normalization of social and labor relations and improvement of social interaction through social learning technologies. The developed social technology of conflict management performs expert-consulting functions based on a comprehensive diagnostic analysis of socio-psychological factors (conflict environment, conflict personality, and psychological states of the character) and makes it possible to put forward reasonable proposals for the prevention, localization, and regulation of conflicts depending on the results obtained. The practical use of the proposed labor conflict management model will ensure that conflict prevention and prevention will allow to obtain constructive results, which will increase the effectiveness of social and labor relations at the enterprise. Keywords: social interaction, conflict, labor process, social technologies of conflict management.

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