
With 78.7 d of observations for PG 0112+104, a pulsating DB star, from Campaign 8 of Kepler 2 mission, Hermes et al. made a detailed mode identification. A reliable mode identification, with 5 l = 1 modes, 3 l = 2 modes, and 3 l = 1 or 2 modes, was identified. Grids of DBV star models are evolved by WDEC with element diffusion effect of pure Coulomb potential and screened Coulomb potential. Fitting the identified modes of PG 0112+104 by the calculated ones, we studied the difference of element diffusion effect between adopting pure Coulomb potential and screened Coulomb potential. Our aim is to reduce the fitting error by studying new input physics. The starting models including their chemical composition profile are from white dwarf models evolved by MESA. They were calculated following the stellar evolution from the main sequence to the start of the white dwarf cooling sequences. The optimal parameters are basically consistent with that of previous spectroscopic and asteroseismological studies. The pure and screened Coulomb potential lead to different composition profiles of the C/O-He interface area. High k modes are very sensitive to the area. However, most of the observed modes for PG 0112+104 are low k modes. The sigma(RMS) taking the screened Coulomb potential is reduced by 4 per cent compared with taking the pure Coulomb potential when fitting the identified low k modes of PG 0112+104. Fitting the Kepler 2 data with our models improved the sigma(RMS) of the fit by 27 percent.

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