
The stability of rock slopes is considered crucial to public safety in highways passing through rock cuts, as well as to personnel and equipment safety in open pit mines. Slope instability and failures occur due to many factors such as adverse slope geometries, geological discontinuities, weak or weathered slope materials as well as severe weather conditions. External loads like heavy precipitation and seismicity could play a significant role in slope failure. In this paper, several rock mass classification systems developed for rock slope stability assessment are evaluated against known rock slope conditions in a region of Saudi Arabia, where slopes located in rugged terrains with complex geometry serve as highway road cuts. Selected empirical methods have been applied to 22 rock cuts that are selected based on their failure mechanisms and slope materials. The stability conditions are identified, and the results of each rock slope classification system are compared. The paper also highlights the limitations of the empirical classification methods used in the study and proposes future research directions.

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