
The problem in this study is how to regulate and apply Risk Management and Patient Safety to ensure Legal Protection for Patient and Healthy Person at Abepura General Hospital, and what obstacles faced by Hospital in arranging and implementing Risk Management to ensure legal protection seen from involvement legal rules and technical aspects such as human resources, culture, politics, facilities and others. The purpose of the study is to obtain a description of the application, arrangement, and barriers pelksanaan Risk Management and Patient Safety to ensure the Legal Protection for Patients and Health Personnel at Abepura General Hospital, which is viewed from the side of involvement of the rule of law and the technical side such as human resources, culture, politics, facilities, and others. This research is an analytical, descriptive legal research, with the approach of Sociological Juridical, this research examines the problem of applying risk management and patient safety in giving legal protection to patient and health worker. To answer the problem, secondary date, primary date, and tertiary date are needed. Secondary date in the form of primary date collected through field study and secondary date collected by library study So the results of the study obtained on setting the hospital's internal rules in the form of hospital by low and operational standards used in hospitals has not functioned as a legal tool used to minimize the risk if there is a problem in RSUD Abepura, because the device rules still need penyempunaan material with takes a long time and adjusted to the ability and state of the hospital. Thus the form of risk must always be guarded by active regulatory oversight in providing periodic evaluations and monitoring. Implementation of risk management has not become a legal tool in use in supporting the Abepura Regional General Hospital service and has not become a key regulation in ensuring patient safety. Therefore, the local regulations are the basis of the guidelines in performing services to ensure patient safety and protect patients and health workers. So it has not yet illustrated the relationship between the implementation of risk management and patient safety due to the level of compliance with existing regulations and resulted in the form of misunderstanding between the patient, the patient's family, and the health worker. Obstacles to the implementation of risk management regarding the Normative side of the hospital has not understood the contents of regulations and policies on Patient Safety and not by the policy for patient safety cases in the hospital. From the technical side includes the function of coordination of service duties associated with several factors such as supporting facilities such as skilled health officers who supported facilities in the form of complementary facilities such as buildings and medical equipment which also become an obstacle in improving the quality of services in tunjang also with allocation funds that are not in accordance with the needs of the hospital, so that the escort to risk has not yet disputed the dispute between the patient and the health worker.


  • The results of the study obtained on setting the hospital's internal rules in the form of hospital by low and operational standards used in hospitals has not functioned as a legal tool used to minimize the risk if there is a problem in RSUD Abepura, because the device rules still need penyempunaan material with takes a long time and adjusted to the ability and state of the hospital

  • Implementation of risk management has not become a legal tool in use in supporting the Abepura Regional General Hospital service and has not become a key regulation in ensuring patient safety

  • The local regulations are the basis of the guidelines in performing services to ensure patient safety and protect patients and health workers

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Kewajiban menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia memberi pengertian bahwa merupakan sesuatu tindakan keharusan yang harus dilakukan, apabila dikaitkan dengan perlakuan yang dilakukan oleh manusia maka mempunyai makna bahwa segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan norma moral yang baik dan benar yang dipadang dari sisi hukum sebegai dasar perlakuan dalam masyarakat. 9Pengertian diatas juga di sampaikan oleh salah satu tokoh sosiologi hukum (Sociology Of Law) Eugen Ehrlich yang mengemukakan bahwa:. 1. Struktur Organisasi Pelayanan di Rumah Sakit Dalam struktur organisasi yang ada, sesuai Undang‐Undang No 44 Tahun 2009 tentang Rumah Sakit pada pasal 33 Ayat (2) mengatur “Organisasi Rumah Sakit paling sedikit terdiri atas Kepala Rumah Sakit atau Direktur Rumah Sakit, unsur pelayanan medis, unsur keperawatan, unsur penunjang medis, komite medis, satuan pemeriksaan internal, serta administrasi umum dan keuangan.dengan peraturan, yang juga termasuk dalam aturan propinsi Papua yaitu Peraturan Gubernur Nomor 38 tahun 2015 tentang Uraian Tugas Fungsi dan Tugas Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Abepura, dipimpin oleh seorang Direktur, bertugas memimpin dan menyelenggarakan kegiatan Rumah Sakit dan secara teknis Operasional bertanggungjawab kepada pemerintah daerah, tugas pokok Direktur Rumah Sakit dibantu oleh beberapa staf manajerial Rumah Sakit guna mengkoordinir sebagian beban tugas direktur

Sumber Daya Manusia di Rumah Sakit
Kewenangan Pelaksanaan Manajemen Risiko dan Keselamatan Pasien di Rumah Sakit
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