
The two-phase technology for olive oil extraction generates large amounts of patè olive cake (POC), a by-product that is rich in bioactive health-promoting compounds. Here, response surface methodology (RSM) was used to maximize supercritical-CO2 oil extraction from POC, while minimizing operative temperature, pressure and time. Under the optimal parameters (40.2°C, 43.8MPa and time 30min), the oil yield was 14.5g·100g-1 dw (~65% of the total oil content of the freeze-dried POC matrix), as predicted by RSM. Compared with freeze-dried POC, the oil contained more phytosterols (13-fold), tocopherols (6-fold) and squalene (8-fold) and was a good source of pentacyclic triterpenes. When the biological effects of POC oil intake (20-40µL·die-1) were evaluated in the livers of BALB/c mice, no significant influence on redox homeostasis was observed. Notably, a decline in liver triglycerides alongside increased activities of NAD(P)H:Quinone Oxidoreductase 1, Carnitine Palmitoyl-CoA Transferase and mitochondrial respiratory complexes suggested a potential beneficial effect on liver fatty acid oxidation.

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