
and for a current consensus dataset of1200 proteins. However, to date, this flood of data hasresulted in little gain for hematological sci-ence and clinical practice. The reasons forthis dead valley between basic research (thebrute-force acquisition of proteomic data)and translational medicine lie in the diffi-culty of extracting valuable biologicalinformation from the data. First, the way asample is preprocessed may have a pro-found influence on the observed profile ofpeptides and proteins; a difficulty that hasnow been relatively well documented, espe-cially from the biomarker discovery field.For example, the use of protease inhibitorsresults in a dramatically different proteinpattern (compared with noninhibited one),as demonstrated by 2D gel electrophoresis(GE): when protease inhibitors are omit-ted, considerable amounts of low-molecu-lar-weight proteolytic fragments appearduring sample processing

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