
In particular, the article hints at the possibility of conflicts between states due to competition for resources in space, as well as the lack of full regulation of legal aspects in interstellar space. Particular attention is paid to the development of international treaties and mechanisms aimed at resolving these issues and ensuring peace and cooperation in outer space. Such documents can become the basis for creating a single legal space in outer space, where the rights and obligations of all entities will be clearly defined. The article concludes by emphasizing that the development of future space technologies requires a global approach to legal regulation to ensure security and stability in space, as well as the use of these new opportunities for the common benefit of all mankind. The article examines the topical issue of application of private international law to space travel over distances of light years using advanced technologies of the future. Travelling in space over such a vast distance is becoming increasingly realistic due to the development of astronomical research and technological progress. Legal aspects are an important aspect of such travel, as space activities raise numerous legal issues. Private international law defines the legal status of persons and objects in space representing different states. The application of this law requires resolving issues of jurisdiction, ownership, liability, and conflict resolution between different states and space actors. Future technologies, such as high-speed interstellar transportation and expanded habitat modules in space stations, introduce new challenges to the regulation of these issues. The article raises a lot of questions to which answers will still be found, and this process is a process that belongs to the future. At this stage, it is not known who else in the world would raise similar issues in the context of private international law, public international law, and international law in general.

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