
The analysis of intelligent learning systems efficiency revealed a number of contradictions between the capabilities of software-integrated computer hardware facilities and low didactic efficiency of their use. Therefore, when designing intelligent learning systems, the task of researching and analyzing the existing psycho-pedagogical theories, concepts and training methods is still urgent today. The purpose of the paper is to study existing theories, concepts and learning methods for adapting them to automated software-integrated hardware learning facilities. The paper proposes variants of teacher and students adaptation to intelligent learning systems capabilities. Meanwhile, in the process of users adaptation to intelligent learning system by changing the color presentation of information blocks, its possible to gain a chance to influence students psycho-emotional state favorably. The author considers various fonts (words image) application which influence the efficiency of perception and capture of visual information; the author takes into account psycho physiological capacities of human capture of visual information and considers functionality of informing software-integrated hardware facilities, namely: volume and speed of visual information processed; - increasing the sizes of graphic pictures by which a certain person cannot analyze information presented. The methodological basis of the research is a complex application of mutually supportive approaches and methods based on the principles of general scientific methodology. The main approaches were - Person-oriented, system-working and competence-oriented approaches. The analysis of existing theories and concepts has shown that each of the studied educational concepts has its values. The paper considers shortcomings of basic theories and educational concepts from the position of a complex approach to the solution of educational tasks. Thereunder, any of basic applied theories and concepts can be adopted as a single universal educational basis for educational process structuring. A specific emphasis in the paper is aimed at the advantages and disadvantages of the concept of personal-oriented education, which is the most progressive in learning process structuring in authors opinion and which causes more discords of opponents. Using the results of theories and education concepts analysis the author gives recommendations how to design technical requirements to intelligent learning systems. The conditions of feasibility of intellectual learning systems and their didactic values have been formulated. The results of the research can be used in the design of intelligent learning systems for the purpose of selecting a complex of didactic educational tools.


  • Особенно это актуально при формировании технических требований к обучающим системам для технических вузов, так как подавляющее большинство созданных обучающих систем и тренажеров для технических вузов функционируют в режиме предоставления учебного материала по конкретным изучаемым техническим дисциплинам, оставляя без внимания вторую, точнее основную часть образовательного процесса – педагогически воспитательную, содержащую в своем составе методы повышения эффективности восприятия и понимания предоставляемого обучающей системой учебного материала, а также анализ психоэмоциального состояния и базовых интеллектуальных качеств студентов

  • С позиции интеллектуальных обучающих систем, при их проектировании выбор набора элементов базовых образовательных теорий и концепций должен учитывать требования, позволяющие выразить содержание теорий и концепций обучения в виде алгоритмов функционирования программно-аппаратных технических средств

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ПРИМЕНЕНИЕ ПЕДАГОГИЧЕСКИХ ТЕОРИЙ, КОНЦЕПЦИЙ И МЕТОДОВ ОБУЧЕНИЯ ПРИ ПРОЕКТИРОВАНИИ ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНЫХ ОБУЧАЮЩИХ СИСТЕМ Поэтому при проектировании интеллектуальных обучающих систем и на сегодня остается актуальной задача исследования и анализа существующих психолого-педагогических теорий, концепций и методов обучения.

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