
The article proposes an approach to the development of an electronic demographic decision support system using technologies of Data Warehouse (DW) and Interactive Analytical Processing OLAP. This makes it possible to conduct high-level demographic research and provide support to decision-makers in demographic sphere. The article notes that demography is an interdisciplinary field of research and is defined as a complex science. Each industry of demography has many indicators. A sample list of these indicators is presented. The main characteristics of the DW, which should be taken into account when developing its architecture, are stated. Among these characteristics, one can find the main defining characteristics of Big Data — volume, velocity, variety, veracity, variability, visualization, value etc. For a more rational and efficient use of a large amount of information, taking into account its constant increase, to ensure the speed of execution of requests for a given system, it is proposed to use a Bus of Interconnected Data Marts (DM) as an architecture of DW. One of the advantages of using DM is that their use assumes distributed parallel data processing. This architecture allows for much faster results generation. It is based on the MapReduce distributed computing model and the Hadoop project. In addition, to effectively use large amounts of data, it is also proposed to use OLAP operations such as roll-up and drill-down, as well as fuzzy set theory, based on the technique of computing with words. The article also shows the practical application of interconnected DM. An OLAP cube is built on the basis of these DM. OLAP operations provide the ability to view cubes in different slices and provide aggregate data.

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