
There is an increasing interest in the application of natural antimicrobials instead of chemical ones to enhance the microbiological quality of dairy products. The objective of this study was to assess the effect of some natural antimicrobial additives and protective culture for reducing the usage of chemical preservatives, shelf-life extension, retarding microbial spoilage in low-salt soft cheese. The antimicrobial agents (protective culture, nisin, lysozyme, and natamycin) were studied on the activity of 28 isolates of spore-forming bacteria. Inhibitory effect of different natural antimicrobial additives as protective culture (Lactobacillus rhamnosus, 40 mg kg -1), nisin (25 mg kg -1), lysozyme (100 mg kg -1), combination of nisin and lysozyme (25 mg kg -1/100 mg kg -1), and combination of protective culture and natamycin (40 mg kg -1/25 mg kg -1) were studied on the growth of aerobic spore-forming bacteria in low-salt soft cheese during the storage period (30 days) at 4±1°C. The results revealed that the addition of different natural antibacterial additives with various concentrations had a significant effect on aerobic spore-forming bacteria, compared to other treatments and control. The growth pattern of aerobic spore-forming bacteria gradually decreased in all treatments along the storage period with variable reduction percentages in comparison with control cheese which was in continuous increment. The application of a combination of nisin and lysozyme had the most significant reduction of aerobic spore-forming bacteria, compared to control and other treatments.

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