
Nanotechnology is an alternative material manufacturing technology, and the research field involves a broad field of modern technology, especially in the field of high-end manufacturing. Nanotechnology is a technique for studying the properties and applications of materials with structural dimensions in the range of 1 nanometer to 100 nanometers. Medical imaging refers to the technology and processing process of obtaining internal tissue images of the human body or a certain part of the human body in a noninvasive way for medical treatment or medical research; the acquired image can be further processed to restore the original image that was not clear enough to highlight some characteristic information in the image. The appearance of medical imaging has promoted the development of the medical field. The purpose of this paper is to study the application of nanoscale microparticle technology in medical imaging diagnosis and treatment. It is expected that the combination of nanotechnology and medical imaging will improve the accuracy of medical imaging diagnosis. This paper mainly introduces the general methods and technologies of technical development of medical imaging instruments and briefly shows the process of data and image analysis. The experimental results in this paper show that when other conditions remain unchanged, the image quality will change when the quality factor of the image changes. When the image quality is 60%, the image transmission rate is about 5.5FPS, which is relatively stable and can be used in the medical field.

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