
ABSTRACT The aim of this work was to develop a statistical model which can predict values describing chemical composition of cokes performed in industrial scale. This model was developed on the basis of data that were taken from the production system used in the one of Polish coking plant. Elaborated equation include quality parameters of initial coals that form coal blends as well as contribution of additions such as coke and petrochemical coke. These equations allow to predict chemical composition of coke, e.g. contributions of: sulphur, ash, phosphorus and chlorine within the coke. A model was elaborated with use of STATISTICA 10 program and it is based on factor and multiply regression analyses. These analyses were chosen from among few kinds of regression analyses. They allowed to develop prediction model with the required goodness of fit between calculated and actual values. Goodness of fit was elaborated with: • residuals analyses, • residues normality and predicted normality • mean absolute error • Pearson correlation confidence

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