
Aims: The use of natural, on-site, low-cost coagulants can reduce problems related to the consumption of non-potable water and untreated wastewater discharges into receiving bodies. A natural solution for acting as a coagulant is the Moringa oleifera seed. The objective of this study is to analyze the efficiency of turbidity removal through the application of moringa seeds as a natural coagulant in three different retention times.
 Methodology: The research was carried out at the Agricultural Products Storage Processing Laboratory of the Federal University of Campina Grande. The powder obtained after trituration of the seeds and the seed without bark was used. A jar test was used to test the application of the coagulant based on powder and moringa seeds. To obtain artificial water, 0.5 g of clay was added to the jars of the jar test. The Jar Test was connected to a rotation of 120 rpm for 30 minutes, then was turned off and kept at rest for 45, 53 and 61 minutes. Subsequently, approximately 50 mL of sample was collected from each pitcher for analysis of the turbidity parameter.
 Results: The application of the seeds was more efficient than the powder. Sedimentation times influenced the removal of turbidity.
 Conclusion: The turbidity values are outside of what is allowed by current Brazilian legislation.

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