
This prospective study was conducted to assess the use of modified ultrafast Papanicolaou (MUFP) stain for fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) of various organs. In India, many reagents are not easily available. In this modification, Gill's haematoxylin, EA-36, and isopropanol substitute Richard-Allan haematoxylin, cytostain, and ethanol, respectively. Group I included 40 FNAC smears of various organs. In each case, three smears were prepared and stained by MUFP, Papanicolaou, and May-Grunwald Giemsa (MGG) stains. In group II, 10 intraoperative cytology smears of different organs were stained with MUFP and rapid haematoxylin-eosin (H&E). For assessment of MUFP stain, scores were given on four parameters: background of smears, overall staining pattern, cell morphology, and nuclear staining. Quality index was calculated from ratio of score achieved to maximum possible score. Diagnosis made by MUFP stain was compared with standard stains. It was observed that MUFP-stained smears had clear RBC free background, crisp nuclear chromatin, well-stained nucleoli, and transparent cytoplasm. The diagnosis made was correct except in three cases of metastatic squamous-cell carcinoma. Hence, it was concluded that MUFP stain is useful for rapid diagnosis by FNAC, but is not useful for squamous-cell lesions.

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