
Earlier there were conducted the studies of the climatic, soil, environmental and economic characteristics of natural landscapes and agricultural land in Krasnodar Territory, for example, Dinskoy district. It is located on the territory of the V-natural landscape. There were shown the results of study of the qualitative state of field-protective forest belts and their influence on the processes of expansion of land area waterlogged arable land using GIS technology as a tool of information-cartographical support of researches. The identification of forest strips in GIS was carried out, their area was determined, the types of forest strips were established, the condition and degree of damage were assessed, the area of beams whose growth is due to the violation of the natural watercourse was determined. There have been identified the areas and sites of necessary repair works and laying of new forest strips, areas and sites of field-protective forest strips that prevent natural water flow and which are planned for cutting down. The capital investments in the laying, restoration and uprooting of damaged and planned forest strips are calculated. The use of GIS technologies in the study makes it possible to increase the accuracy of the results of the assessment and forecast of the development of degradation processes, reduces the cost of research, and ensures an increase in efficiency of land use in agricultural production.

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