
Microbial enzymes have been identified to possess numerous industrial application which might be linked to their high availability. Moreover, the application of genetically engineering could led to the production of a more potent strain that could led to production of a quality food products when compared to those prepared using animal and plant enzymes. These beneficial Microbial enzymes could be derived from numerous enzymes such as yeast, bacteria and mold. These enzymes could be produced using solid state fermentation and liquid fermentation respectively. Furthermore, the enhancement in percentage recovery of enzymes, purity, concentration could be linked on some standard principle such as strain improvement, microbial sources, and the utilization of membrane augmented downstream processing could enhance the level of the specificity of the enzyme. Therefore, this chapter intend to provide a detailed information on the application of microbial enzymes in food processing. Detailed information of the application of genetic engineering and mutation for improving of several process involved in the production of food. Several factors could led to increase in the production of fermented foods were discussed. Specific examples of fermented foods that are produced using microbial enzymes were also highlighted.

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